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RiaFin IS NOT associated with any individual, financial planning firm, or accreditation board, and does not present itself as offering any legal, financial, or other advice. RiaFin does not provide any recommendations or endorsements to any advisor, financial planner, or other service, product, entity, or individual, nor to any material submitted by third parties or linked to or from this website.
RiaFin DOES NOT provide financial planning or wealth advisory services in any region or state of India. We just list the financial advisors and planners on the basis of rankings from various sources, helping the visitors of this website to seek information, get educated, and take a decision about which financial planner to choose for personal wealth advisory.
RiaFin DOES NOT rank Financial Advisors and Planners serial wise, qualification wise, or experience wise. However, each listings page lists Best or Top 10 Financial Planners for that region, location, or city; and the criteria to list which financial planner at which position is purely commercially driven.
RiaFin offers referrals to third-party financial planners and investment advisors based on consumers' financial information, required services, and preferred relationship with an advisor, as indicated in our Questionnaire. RiaFin DOES NOT oversee client assets or offer investment advice.