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This page does not provide investment advice and should not be relied upon as such or as a substitute for consulting professional accounting, tax, legal, financial, or wealth advisors. The observations on industry trends should not be interpreted as recommendations for specific stocks or sectors.
RiaFin Planning Network ("RiaFin" and "RFPN") is not associated with any individual, financial planning firm, or accreditation board, and does not present itself as offering any legal, financial, or other advice. RiaFin does not provide any recommendations or endorsements to any advisor, financial planner, or other service, product, entity, or individual, nor to any material submitted by third parties or linked to or from this website.
RiaFin offers referrals to third-party financial planners and investment advisors based on consumers' financial information, required services, and preferred relationship with an advisor, as indicated in our Questionnaire.
The existence and content of an advisor profile in the Directory are based on an advisor’s conformance with RiaFin’s standard membership eligibility requirements. These requirements ensure that advisors meet certain criteria set by RiaFin for inclusion in the Directory. Additionally, advisors appearing in the Directory may pay a membership fee to RiaFin, which provides them with various services and benefits, including the ability to be listed in the Directory.
It is important to note that while financial planners and investment advisors may pay a membership fee, RiaFin does not make listing decisions based solely on compensation received. However, RiaFin acknowledges that there may be a conflict of interest and a financial incentive in listing fee-only financial planners who are members. RiaFin strives to maintain transparency and impartiality in its listing process to ensure that users of the Directory can make informed decisions.